How to Know if a Child in Your Classroom Needs Therapy

By: Simrah Wasim, MS, LPC Associate Supervised by Melissa Barton, MA, LPC-S

How to Know if a Child in Your Classroom Needs Therapy

Has a child in your class ever continued to throw a fit even though nothing seems wrong? Has a student ever skipped lunch multiple days in a row? Do they sometimes stop participating in class or aren’t doing well in things that they usually do? Children express themselves in many ways that sometimes don’t make sense to us or them. School-aged children go through many different transitions and developmental stages. Whilst they are figuring out their feelings and how to navigate them, as a teacher there are signs that you can see to see if a student needs further help. Many of these issues might stem from underlying factors. These could be due to problems at home, at school with peers, or even genetics. 

Here are some behaviors/signs to look out for within the classroomBehaviors to look out for in the classroom and seeking counseling in Katy Texas

Removing themselves from others/isolation

If a student continues to remove themselves from others not only in activities but throughout the day for longer periods then there might be something on their mind. If this is not a child’s norm then this is something to be addressed.

Physical indications

For example, if a child is consistently complaining about a headache or stomachache and there is no reasoning behind it. This could be created by some sort of unidentified anxiety. 

Emotional mood swings/tantrums

If a child’s feelings fluctuate back and forth multiple times, this could be a significant sign of emotional struggles. If there is no emotional regulation, then seeking additional help is needed. These also include crying spells for no apparent reason, yelling, throwing fits, etc.

Lack of focus

Students sometimes have a lack of concentration due to either other thoughts in their mind or again for emotional dysregulation. If they cannot complete tasks or assignments or are unable to learn new things, then further help is required. 

Irregular eating/sleeping habits

Students sometimes don’t get enough sleep, and that can throw off their whole day. If you notice that this isn’t a “once in a while” occasion, then other services might need to be offered. Children sleeping in class or even having insomnia can imply that a child might be in duress. The same goes for eating habits. If a pattern begins to occur and they are skipping meals or eating more, then they should be referred to someone beyond the classroom. 

Your Classroom

As the educator in the classroom, it is important to be aware that every child is special and has different needs. A symptom for one child might not necessarily apply to another. Remember, the symptoms that usually occur affect daily functioning and sometimes create unhealthy habits. Be mindful of who the students are based on the relationships that have already been built with them. If any of these signs are of concern, reach out to the school counselor and see all your options! 

Begin Therapy in Katy, TX!

If you are ready to begin therapy, one of the therapists at The Counseling Center at Cinco Ranch can help! We provide mental health counseling, as well as other mental health services. To begin counseling in Katy, TX follow these three steps:
  • Contact our office to set up an appointment or to learn more information
  • Meet with one of our knowledgeable therapists
  • Find ways to thrive through therapy today!

Other Therapy Services We Offer: 

Here at The Counseling Center at Cinco Ranch, we offer counseling services for people of all ages in areas including counseling for kids, counseling for young adults, teen counseling, couples counseling, eating disorder treatment, men's issues, women's issues, anxiety treatment, depression therapy, trauma counseling, family therapy, and group counseling. Our therapists strive to post blogs regularly. We provide helpful information on a variety of mental health topics. To learn more about our therapists and our counseling services, please reach out to the Counseling Center today!