Why Plants Improve Our Mental Health
Posted: December 26, 2023
By: Natasha Cooke, MS, LPC Associate
Supervised by Melissa Barton, MA, LPC-S
Why Plants Improve Our Mental Health
Do you love plants? Were you someone who jumped on the COVID plant parent bandwagon and just can’t get enough? You might be trying to justify your plant addiction. Maybe you are thinking about starting up a plant collection. You might simply be wondering if there are any benefits to owning them. Well, thankfully, there are numerous research studies out there to suggest that living in proximity to greenery is beneficial to our mental health. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) found that having active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological symptoms of stress. They do this by suppressing the autonomic nervous system activity. The NLM also found that people who spent time with plants had lower blood pressure, felt more comfortable, and felt more soothed than those who spent time at a computer. If you needed a reason to continue building an army of plants or to finally become the plant parent you’ve always wanted to be, keep reading!
Having Plants Boosts Our Mood
It’s no secret that being out in nature does terrific things for our mental health. But did you know that indoor plants can improve our mood as well? For instance, Psychology Today stated that individuals who work in proximity to plants are more productive in their careers or schoolwork. This is due to having decreased stress levels. In addition, people working or studying around plants feel more alert, relaxed, less irritated by physical symptoms, and in overall better moods. Another bonus of working around plants is that it can give you a boost in creativity! Psychology Today even stated that they can help reduce symptoms of depression.
Plants Give Us Purpose and Fight Boredom
Are you feeling a bit lonely and aren’t quite ready to get a pet? Becoming a plant parent might just be the right move for you. Becoming a plant’s caretaker and watching it grow can be highly rewarding. You may find yourself excited to wake up in the morning and check the status of your plant. For example, noticing new growth in your plant can be both exciting and satisfying. Plants keep us grounded and give us a routine, which can become a fun daily or weekly activity to care for them. Some other benefits of having plants include the ability to join a community of plant lovers. You can make new friends with like-minded plant folk. In addition, keeping track of your plants’ growth can become an easy and beneficial new hobby, helping you fight boredom.
3 Benefits of Having Plants on Our Mental Health
Having Plants Boosts Our Mood
It’s no secret that being out in nature does terrific things for our mental health. But did you know that indoor plants can improve our mood as well? For instance, Psychology Today stated that individuals who work in proximity to plants are more productive in their careers or schoolwork. This is due to having decreased stress levels. In addition, people working or studying around plants feel more alert, relaxed, less irritated by physical symptoms, and in overall better moods. Another bonus of working around plants is that it can give you a boost in creativity! Psychology Today even stated that they can help reduce symptoms of depression.
House Plants Improve Sleep
You may or may not be aware that a 1989 NASA study found that plants “inhale” carbon dioxide and release or “exhale” oxygen into the air. In addition, they can also purify air by inhaling air pollutants. Simply knowing that our place of living is a cleaner, healthier place because of the extra oxygen from plants can make people feel happier. Furthermore, having cleaner air also improves our physical health. We know that physical and mental health are closely tied together. A recent study found that certain plants, such as snake plants, significantly improve our air quality when placed in the bedroom. Thus, due to the enhanced quality of air, people who have snake plants in their bedrooms can get a better quality of sleep! Plants Give Us Purpose and Fight Boredom 
Are you feeling a bit lonely and aren’t quite ready to get a pet? Becoming a plant parent might just be the right move for you. Becoming a plant’s caretaker and watching it grow can be highly rewarding. You may find yourself excited to wake up in the morning and check the status of your plant. For example, noticing new growth in your plant can be both exciting and satisfying. Plants keep us grounded and give us a routine, which can become a fun daily or weekly activity to care for them. Some other benefits of having plants include the ability to join a community of plant lovers. You can make new friends with like-minded plant folk. In addition, keeping track of your plants’ growth can become an easy and beneficial new hobby, helping you fight boredom.
Begin Therapy in Katy, TX!
If you are ready to feel like your best self, one of the therapists at The Counseling Center at Cinco Ranch can help! We provide mental health counseling, as well as other mental health services. To begin counseling in Katy, TX follow these three steps:- Contact our office to set up an appointment or to learn more information
- Meet with one of our knowledgeable therapists
- Find ways to thrive through therapy today!